Thursday, March 5, 2009

its been way too long....

Ok, sorry its been so long since the last update. I need to do it more often. Ok where do I even begin. Dominic and Isaac are finishing up their first year of wrestling. They bothed loved it and did absolutely wonderful for their first time. Dominic is getting ready to head to the state tournament this weekend. Baseball for Dominic has already started. Sometimes I feel like it never ended. Isaac is gonna play ball again with his cousin Zach on his Uncle Bob's team. The boys just love their sports. We have been homeschooling the kids since January. Things are going well with that. They both have some issues with mom and dad occasionally but all in all its going well. Mathias is keeping him self busy everyday. He is becoming such an independant little guy. I can't believe he is already 15 mos. They just grow sooo fast! He never stops talking he just babbles and babbles and waves his arms around like he is having the most in depth conversation with someone. Its way to cute!

Pedro will be heading back to work finally after a really long lay off on the 3oth of March. I am still working when I can fit it into my schedule at St. Charles in the psychiatric unit. Pedro is finishing up school and should graduate in December. After that he has a job waiting for him in Tiffin. We are really praying that the Lord leads us in that direction by helping us to sell our home and be able to afford to move to that area. He will be taking a pay cut with this job but there is so much more stability with it. And last but not least we are expecting #4 in October. Yed, hoping for that girl but of course we are so blessed and thrilled either way. I promise to try and get back on and post some newer pics soon.

1 comment:

Bob Birmingham said...

Even though I see you guys often, sometimes I remain oblivious to things that are going on, so I appreciate the update.